Key Accountabilities
- He/She is responsible for maintaining the standard of cleanliness in all public areas assigned to him/her including officer and crew areas.
Reports to
- The Housekeeping/Cleaner reports directly to the Housekeeper
Subordinate Personnel
- None
Areas of Responsibility
- He/She assists in the handling of linen and with general laundry work.
- He/She cleans passengers, officers and crew areas according to the established cleaning procedures.
- He/She assists in storage and luggage handling whenever requested.
- He/She takes care of any side jobs assigned to him/her.
- Big earrings and big necklaces are not to be worn on duty and more than one moderate size ring is not acceptable.
- Smoking is not permitted while on duty.
Performance of Duties
- The Housekeeping/Cleaner will report to work at the prescribed starting time.
- Passengers should be greeted at all times in a friendly manner.
- The cleaning must be of the highest standard and be strictly in accordance with the routines and instructions set by the Housekeeper.
- He/She cleans (once a day) the Master's, Chief Engineer's and Hotel Manager's cabins.
- He/She cleans all other Officer cabins once a week.
- He/She returns lost and found items to the Purser's Office and includes date and location of where article was found.
- He/She takes special care when handling Company equipment and working material
- He/She attends meetings and training sessions called by His/Her Superior.
- This Job Description does not encompass all details but is meant to be used as a general guideline, especially for new crew members.
Appearance/Personal Hygiene
- The appearance of the entire personnel on board the ship reflects the reputation and image of the company; therefore a great deal of emphasis is placed on a professional appearance.
- The Company expects you to maintain the highest standard of personal appearance and hygiene at all times.
- If in passenger areas full uniform is to be worn: hat, scarf, jacket, name tag, pants and proper shoes.
- Have a clean neat personal appearance.
- Special attention to grooming, hygiene care and clean and proper uniforms and shoes.
- Hair must be well groomed, neat and not extend over the shirt collar and always be kept clean.
- A moustache is acceptable if kept neatly trimmed.
Daily Routines for Housekeeping/Cleaner
The duties of the Cleaning crew will be scheduled by the Housekeeper and the following routines are to be met:
- Vacuum all staircases and landings
- Vacuum and clean all elevators
- Vacuum behind all fire doors
- Vacuum elevators twice daily or more often, as traffic dictates.
- Clean elevator door tracks daily and polish once a week.
- Wash and/or polish elevator walls and doors daily
- Wash portholes once a week from the inside. Remove smudges and finger prints when necessary.
- Control and shift ash urns at least eight times a day
- Dust directional and exit signs twice a week
- Mop and/or buff vinyl and other hard surface floors
- Clean, dust and remove spots from all bar stools, chairs and sofas
- Dust light fixtures
- Vacuum under all cushions
- Clean and dust all table tops in the bars, lounges and lobbies
- Clean all windows
- Clean and polish glass doors on both sides and dust behind rails
- Clean and dust bar counters, walls and lights above bars
- Clean and dust all art pieces
- Check and clean all air conditioning outlets, ventilators and loud-speakers
- Clean and wash down frequently all ceilings
- Clean all walls and remove finger marks
- Clean and dust on top of boards, thoroughly clean and re-arrange rest rooms at least four times a day, including:
- Washing of hand-basin, toilets, urinals
- Cleaning of tiles
- Empty trash cans
- Clean mirrors, sinks, bright surfaces and floors
- Replace paper products as necessary
- Clean walls
- Vacuum upholstered furniture and dust all chairs
- Clean dance floors and remove shoe marks
- Polish all brass
- Clean and polish all public telephones
- Clean the information desk including all offices-
- Polish all display boxes
Following requirements are to be met in public toilets:
- Empty all waste baskets
- Empty and wash all ash-trays
- Scrub toilet bowl and urinals inside and outside
- Clean toilet seats on both sides
- Wash all doors on both sides and check frames for dust
- Wash all walls around toilets and urinals
- Wash hand-wash-basin inside and outside
- Polish all mirrors
- Scrub the floor
- Clean all drains
- Remove rust
- Fill up toilet paper, hand-towels and soap
Cleaning of Offices
- All offices are to be cleaned daily by the Housekeeping Department. The cleaning should include the following steps:
- Vacuum all carpets daily
- Empty waste-baskets and wipe the outside and inside with damp cloth
- Dust desk top and other furniture. Once a week, apply furniture cleaner and polish
- Empty and wipe out ash-trays
- Clean porthole ledges and door frames once a week
- Clean walls, ceiling and doors
- Clean air-condition outlets
Important: Use the correct cleaning material. Report any repairs needed in the described areas and follow up on this matter.